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Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)
AMS is today’s most sensitive isotopic analysis method.
Using a particle accelerator, usually a Tandem type, the AMS spectrometer measures one by one the ions of the investigated species.
Measurement sensitivity can reach down to 10 -15 rare isotope / abundant isotope, in other words, AMS allows the determination of the existence of
a single atom in torrent of one million billion other foreign atoms.
Due to its exceptional sensitivity, this method has opened a very wide range of applications in various fields:
medicine, archeology, paleogeomorfology, geology, atmospheric physics, paleoclimatology, astrophysics, nuclear physics, nuclear pollution tracking, etc.

T. Sava, C. Simion, O.Gaza, D. Pacesila, I. Stanciu, D. Ghita, B. Stefan, A. Vasiliu, C. Calinescu, French – Romanian Symposium on cultural heritage preservation by nuclear techniques, Institut Français, Bucharest, Romania, January 25, 2016

I. M. Stanciu, T. Sava, D. Pacesila, O. Gaza, C. Simion, B. Stefan, G. Sava, D. Ghita, V. Mosu, Carpathian Summer School of Physics, Sinaia, Romania, June 26 - July 09, 2016

B. Stefan, T. Sava, C. Simion, O. Gaza, D. Pacesila, I. M. Stanciu, G. Sava, The 8th International Symposium on 14C & Archaeology, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 27 - July 1, 2016

O. Gaza, T. Sava, C. Simion, D. Pacesila, B. Stefan, I. M. Stanciu, G. Sava, The 8th International Symposium on 14C & Archaeology, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 27 - July 1, 2016

T. Sava, D. Ghita, C. Simion, O. Gaza, D. Pacesila, I. Stanciu, G. Sava, B. Stefan, A. Vasiliu, Carpathian Summer School of Physics, Sinaia, Romania, June 26 - July 09, 2016

I. M. Stanciu, S. A. Luca, T. Sava, D. Pacesila, O. Gaza, C.Simion, B. Stefan, G. Sava, D. Ghita, V. Mosu, 5th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry, Sinaia, Romania, September 25-29, 2016

T. Sava, D. Ghita, C. Simion, O. Gaza, D. Pacesila, I. Stanciu, G. Sava, B. Stefan, 24th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2016), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, October 30th-November 4th, 2016

G. Sava, T. Sava, D. Ghita, C. Simion, O. Gaza, D. Pacesila, I. Stanciu, B. Stefan, 5th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry, Sinaia, Romania, September 25-29, 2016